Saturday 11 July 2009

What type of executive club with a WOW! factor could we create that would compel CEOs/senior executives of local institutions to join?

As I have had the pleasure and priviledge of acting as 'Parky' to so many impressive speakers in the past year I have often wondered if we could create an exclusive executive level club for CEOs/senior decision makers in the region who fit into the movers and shakers / great and good category. This exclusive club might be less of a marketing vehicle and more of a problem solving/door opening community with members and guest speakers talking about the issues that concern corporate business leaders. These are some that have been mentioned:

Managing the supply chain
Dealing with difficult and uncompromising customers - (did someone mention Tescos?)
Inspiration, leading change, employee engagement and performance management
Strategy development and deployment
Assessing risk
New investment and franchising opportunites
Financial management in turbulent times
Working overseas

I'd like to take the best of what other organisations do to create something that would attract the senior decision makers.

Meetings would be much less frequent - say 4 to 6 times a year and the WOW! factor would be vital. Connecting with, listening to and learning from exceptional people, exclusivity and making every event truly memorable would be the order of the day.

The question is what would we have to create that would compel you or someone like you to want to become a member?

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